Why a Four-Day Week Increases Productivity


The concept of a four-day working week in the UK has been steadily catching on as more progressive companies recognise its benefits. Before looking at how to implement a four-day work week, it's important to understand why it has been beneficial to businesses and workers alike.

We’ve all been the victim of the Sunday night blues, and experienced the rip in the space–time continuum that makes time speed up exponentially the moment 5.00pm on Friday hits and slow right down again come Monday morning. Just as you get into the swing of the weekend and feel like you can properly relax… It’s time to set your alarm for the new week, and so it goes, week after week, ad infinitum. How many times have you got up on Sunday morning convinced that just one more day and you’d skip into work smiling and ready for action? We’ve all been there.

Well you’ll be pleased to know that a wave of recent research has come to the conclusion that these feelings perhaps aren’t just an inherent aversion to work and a desire to cling on to any justification for a day off, nor is it a ‘give an inch, take a mile’ situation for employers. It turns out that maybe we’ve got a point. A 4 Day Week Global study, conducted in partnership with companies in Australia and New Zealand, found stark improvements in employee happiness and retention during a six-month pilot where the full-time work week was reduced to four days without lowering salaries. The University of Queensland business school reported:

According to 4 Day Week Global – the not-for-profit organisation running the study, 63 per cent of businesses found it easier to attract and retain talent with a 4-day week, and 78 per cent of employees are happier and less stressed on their new reduced hours’ arrangement.

Maybe just one more day is enough to transform the hideous, treacherous mountain of the upcoming week into a moderate, pleasant-looking hill that we quite fancy a walk up — and maybe there’s a pub at the top!?

Morale-boosting work week

There are well-evidenced benefits of a four-day work week, which show that reduced hours can significantly increase health and happiness. So, if we know that a four-day working week would be better for business and our mental and physical health, why have we been doing it wrong for so many years?

Unsurprisingly, the desire for a shorter working week isn’t new. The labour movement has laid the groundwork for better working conditions throughout the UK, and workers and unions support today’s advocacy for a four-day workweek to improve work-life balance and productivity. Whilst the ill effects of past working conditions were most obviously, and most concerningly at the time, physical, due to the nature of the labour workers were commonly engaged in, it would be wrong and short-sighted to believe that the Monday to Friday, 9.00–5.00 work life, while physically less demanding, doesn’t also cause harm.

Workplace Wellness

Reducing stress and anxiety

While a century ago it was TB and lung disease from working in coal mines, and injuries sustained in unsafe work environments, now the greatest occupational hazard is stress and anxiety.

Whilst it’s easy to joke about the ‘Sunday night blues’, this rather diminishes what is actually a very real and potentially debilitating affliction. Mental health has deservedly come into the spotlight more recently, as science and technology have helped us make considerable advances in protecting and maintaining physical health and recognising the link between mental and physical health. Depression, anxiety, stress — all of these have physical manifestations and symptoms which will diminish engagement, enthusiasm, motivation, and productivity. Aside from the personal suffering they cause, undoubtedly the most concerning and obvious consequence, these are all attributes that are required — or at least, desired — of employees in the workplace. We’ve all had a run-in with Grumpy Glen from HR, with his bad attitude and snarky comments, and thought, “Just have a day off, will you?” Well, quite.

Lack of time off, and the feeling of living to work rather than working to live can have a hugely detrimental impact on our temperament, attitude, and personality, in the worst cases leading to depression and/or anxiety. As well as mental health problems, stress and overwork increase the risk of a wide range of health problems, from stroke and heart attack to high blood pressure. Long working hours have been linked to a higher likelihood of excessive drinking, which is one of the greatest public health issues facing the UK and placing a huge economic burden on the NHS.

I’ve discussed why taking time off is good for people and businesses before at length. To put it bluntly, we’re working too much, too hard, too long, and it’s making us unwell. It doesn’t take a genius to deduce that illness, physical or mental, is bad for business — it’s bad for individual businesses, it’s bad for the economy, it’s particularly bad for freelancers — and, as with other threats to business, we should be taking mitigating action.

Gaining focus and productivity with a four-day work week

In today’s fast-paced work environment, workers demand a four-day week to improve focus and work-life balance, believing they can achieve maximum productivity and engagement within a condensed schedule. If you added up all the time you spend making cups of tea, chatting with colleagues, getting distracted, distracting others, browsing Facebook, staring blankly at the wall, wishing you were at home… Wouldn’t it be better if you were? Those minutes and hours are dead time ­– no good to you, certainly no good to your employer. If you were promised an extra day off if you could get all your work done in four days, would you be more productive in those four days? What if that happened every week?

In recognition of the new understandings of productivity and concentration (have you tried the Pomodoro method? It’s life-changing!), and in pursuit of happier and healthier employees, many companies have turned to the idea of a four-day week in an attempt to get the best out of their employees for four days a week, rather than a mediocre employee who’s just thinking about their next holiday, for five. The critical thing to remember here, and what some employers find challenging to get their heads (and their accountant’s heads) around, is that fewer hours don’t mean less work. It’s not just giving people an extra day off, hoping that they’ll work harder for the rest of the week.

As the concept of a four-day working week gains momentum in the UK and globally, many businesses see this approach as a way to achieve high performance while supporting employee well-being. It’s not about how many hours you want staff to work but what you want them to do and achieve within a given time frame. If you’re getting the results you want and need, does it matter how long it takes? This also allows people to work at their own pace, self-motivate, and feel trusted and autonomous. It shows faith in your employees’ ability to do their job. A move toward KPIs rather than hours clocked as the measure of success at work and in business means that the job always gets done but also frees up vast amounts of time for people to spend being productive, engaged, and fulfilled in other areas of their lives. And as we know, happy and fulfilled people are great for business.



Our co-founder, Phil, loves people, problem-solving and making life easier for small businesses. If you book a Leave Dates demo, he will give you a warm welcome and show you everything that you need to know.